Monday, June 24

Belizian Adventures & Ministry

On Sunday, we ventured into the jungle for several adventures! First, each person had the opportunity to cross over a creek on a rope bridge that the locals use daily!

Then we had the incredible opportunity to go cave canoeing at Barton Creek Cave! Three in a boat, we canoed an entire kilometer underground! God's creation is so fascinating.

Finally, we made our way to Five Sisters Falls. This was a breathtaking set of waterfalls that had a pool at the bottom of each that we could swim in. We spent several hours here enjoying the beauty of Belize.

Abbie crossing the rope bridge!

Mrs. Davis made it across too!


Crazy Mrs. Shepherd :)
The CofO nursing girls with Giani (the bus driver's daughter) after the rope bridge!
Nathan and Ethan picking fresh mangos from a tree in the jungle!

Craig found himself a little friend :)

The wildlife is exotic and beautiful!

A little hut in the jungle!
The Shepherd's, Mrs. Davis, and Rachel eating lunch in the jungle on Sunday!

We hiked down a mountain (350 stairs!) to swim in the pools of these waterfalls! The hike back up was not quite as fun :)

The hike down!


Monday, our real work in Belize began! We visited the village of Bella Vista and set up a health clinic in the public school there. We had the opportunity of seeing over 150 people!!! The pictures below will give you an idea of our time there serving. 

Haylee, Marisa, and Abbie

Dr. Scott Cummings, Haylee, Marisa, and Abbie

Nathan, Ethan, and Mr. Shepherd played soccer ALL DAY LONG.



Doctor's Station (Dr. Cummings)

Dr. Van

Vision Testing

A few of the faces of Bella Vista that we got to serve!

Nathan with his new friends.

Coach Shepherd playing with the boys.

Thank you for your continued prayers! We truly felt them today as we ministered to the people of Bella Vista. Also, in case you were wondering, Karen Shepherd, Rachel, and Craig spent their day at one of the private hospitals here in town. Each nursing student will get to spend one day at the hospital to experience hospital life in another country and also to help serve where needed. They had a great day, and we should be posting pictures of the hospital at a later time.

Tomorrow will be another day of health clinics in a new village! Please pray for our safety and for the hearts of our patients to be open to the Gospel.

-The Belize Team

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